• Peter Kaestner

Global BirdFair 2024

150 150 Boris Belchev
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It was another successful participation at Global Birdfair 2024 https://globalbirdfair.org/

We had so much interest, and Boris was having a public presentation on the second day of the fair, about the magical bird migration over Curonian spit NP. We have given away all our leaflets and almost all the Lithuanian candies Kregždutės. It is exciting because we finally have our first 5 Bulgarian Birding pins and 4 Lithuanian Birding Pins series that will grow up to 10 species each for now, thanks to our friends and partners from UK Birding Pins –  on X and FB –@ukbirdingpins  and website – https://www.ukbirdingpins.co.uk/

Also met a lot of really nice people, new friendships and last but not least our lovely friends that I will not be able to list all unfortunately, but they know how much they mean for me and I really hope we will meet again next year at this amazing event that is Global Birdfair. But I can not miss mentioned Stephen Moss and Peter Kaestner, Tim and Penny, Hannah Bourne-Taylor, Suzy Buttress (@CasualBirderPod), Robert E Fuller, Darren Woodhead, Charlie Bingham, Tony Davison, Neil Glenn, Ajay Tegala and sorry if I missed too many of you. It was great and I can not wait to be back.